Membership benefits--Fee-form

Be aware of the following limitations when playing House League:

1) You must be fully vaccinated for at least the past 14 days.

2) You are willing to play against an opponent who will probably not be wearing a mask.

3) You are agreeable to playing a house league opponent who might not be at the same level until a few months of play sorts it out. 

4) The Nepean Squash Club does not assume responsibility for any risk you assume while participating in club activities, nor when using any of the Nepean Sportsplex facilities.  The City of Ottawa is solely responsible for the booking, operations and cleaning of the Nepean Sportsplex facility, changerooms and squash courts, as well as the screening of players who enter the facility. That being said, the club, as in the past, will be attentive to any concerns raised by club members and endeavour to bring about positive change. I acknowledge that the purpose of the club is to facilitate the arranging of matches between players through the house league ladder list distributed by email each month to members, and as conditions allow, in periodic club social nights, drop-ins, tournaments and city league play.

5) These matches are to be organized with mutual availability. Therefore, the agreed-upon time should be respected. If, for a reason, one player cannot make it on time or at all, they should inform the other player as early as possible out of decency and spirit of the sport. Playing your house league matches earlier in the month would allow another time to be arranged for the match. Unilaterally entering scores in the score sheet is not allowed.


September 1, 2023  to August 31, 2024

Adult: $20 

Family: $30

Junior*/Student*: $10           

* Junior: Under 18 years of age as of Sept. 1. Junior members under 16 are allowed to participate in Club activities at the discretion of the Club Executive and must have written parental approval.

* Student: Full time school attendance: email club a scan of student ID (as PDF file) with request. 


1) Complete the Google Membership Form below.

2) Email an e-transfer payable to: Nepean Squash Club.

Looking forward to seeing you on the court!

NOTE: Since the City of Ottawa operates the squash courts, the Nepean Squash Club assumes no responsibility for any maintenance or injuries while playing other members.